Browsing: ALL I WISH review

Review by Christine Thompson [interactive_banner_2 banner_title="light-hearted and with a lesson" banner_image="id^34815|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^ALL_I_WISH_4|description^null" banner_style="style7" image_opacity="1" image_opacity_on_hover="1" banner_title_style="font-style:italic;,font-weight:bold;" banner_title_font_size="desktop:28px;" banner_title_font_family="font_family:Annie Use Your Telescope|font_call:Annie+Use+Your+Telescope"] In ALL I WISH, writer/director Susan Walter (Alien: Resurrection) explores that it’s never too late to achieve success and to find one’s true love. That's the logline, but the last bit that could have been added is "no
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