Browsing: Fantastic Fest 2021

Following their breakout 2019 feature THE DEEPER YOU DIG, the filmmaking Adams family return to Fantastic Fest with HELLBENDER, their most ambitious and accomplished feature to date, and the sixth film to be released through Wonder Wheel Productions, their family-run production company. A punk-rock coming-of-age folk-horror-inspired tale of witchcraft like no other, with the family
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Interview by Paul Salfen FULL DESCRIPTION When an injured woman stumbles out of a Russian forest in 1991, she bears the calling cards of a serial killer case closed several years ago. Worried how it will affect his career and recent promotion, Issa Valentinovich takes personal responsibility for solving this new act of violence. THE
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[ultimate_heading main_heading="Junta Yamaguchi's Temporal Paradox Comedy Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes Makes The Premiere Following Critical Acclaim on the International Festival Circuit" margin_design_tab_text="" main_heading_font_family="font_family:Artifika|font_call:Artifika"][/ultimate_heading]Interview by Paul Salfen Kato is a middle-aged shop owner in Kyoto, Japan who lives above his cafe. He spends his free time playing in a local band and sometimes thinking about
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Interview by Paul Salfen Amidst Guinea-Bissau’s bloody coup d'etat of 2003, Bangui’s Hyenas, an elite trio of mercenaries, skillfully extract a drug dealer and his bricks — both gold and narcotic — from the chaos and make tracks for Dakar. But when their escape plan is unexpectedly waylaid, the Hyenas find themselves and their bounty
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