Browsing: Sharon Stone

Interview Sharon Stone stepped out for the Women's Cancer Research Fund's "An Unforgettable Evening" event, where she offered words of encouragement for “Riverdale” actor Luke Perry, who suffered a stroke this week. Sharon, a stroke survivor herself, told “Extra’s” Renee Bargh, “I wish him all the best, because you can come all the way back
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STREAMING NOW From Director Emmanuel Itier (Femme) and Executive Producer Sharon Stone, WE THE PEOPLE is a worldwide exploration of the notions of Politics and Economics with the likes of Robert Reich, Deepak Chopra, Sharon Stone, Michael Beckwith, Nobel Peace Laureates Mairead Maguire and Tawakkol Karman, Vandana Shiva, Mark Wahlberg, and many others. If we cultivate
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Review by Christine Thompson [interactive_banner_2 banner_title="light-hearted and with a lesson" banner_image="id^34815|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^ALL_I_WISH_4|description^null" banner_style="style7" image_opacity="1" image_opacity_on_hover="1" banner_title_style="font-style:italic;,font-weight:bold;" banner_title_font_size="desktop:28px;" banner_title_font_family="font_family:Annie Use Your Telescope|font_call:Annie+Use+Your+Telescope"] In ALL I WISH, writer/director Susan Walter (Alien: Resurrection) explores that it’s never too late to achieve success and to find one’s true love. That's the logline, but the last bit that could have been added is "no
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