Month: March 2019

Photos by Anna Mazurek Jessica Shaefer, Global Art Program Manager and Lead Curator for the Artist in Residence (AIR) program, which commissions local artists to create unique installations at its offices around the world to inspire interaction, dialogue and learning for employees gave us some insight into the initiative as well as a look at
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[ultimate_fancytext strings_textspeed="35" strings_backspeed="0" typewriter_loop="off" fancytext_strings="The book shows that both heaven and hell are shitty places to work, just one has a better view.” – Jon Hamm" strings_font_family="font_family:Almendra SC|font_call:Almendra+SC" strings_font_style="font-style:italic;,font-weight:bold;" strings_font_size="desktop:20px;" fancytext_color="#ff0000"] On March 9 at SXSW, Amazon Prime Video hosted the Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate SXSW Event, a featured discussion with Good Omens showrunner, executive producer and
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